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It is recommended to change these settings though the app or web interface by using the admin user. However, it is still possible to edit a basic configuration through the config.yml file inside the /plugins/ServerCtrl/ folder.

Configuration values

Update-ChecktrueBooleanEnables the search for a new update every time the plugin is started
Logging-typesListTypes of events that gets logged by the plugin. See Type options for possible values
Webserver.httpstrueBooleanEnables HTTPS for the webserver
Webserver.frontendtrueBooleanEnables the integrated web interface
Webserver.servernameServer RemoteStringLegacy (Not used anymore)
Webserver.port5718IntegerPort the webserver is listening on
Webserver.editable-filesListFiles that can be edited directly through the app or web interface without downloading
Webserver.usersObjectCredentials for the users. DO NOT EDIT!
Webserver.permissionsListPermissions for each registered user. See Type options for possible values
Webserver.apppasswordsObjectCredentials for app access. DO NOT EDIT!
Webserver.totpObjectTOTP secrets for 2FA. DO NOT EDIT!
Webserver.totp-pendingObjectTemporary TOTP data. DO NOT EDIT!
Webserver.debuggingfalseBooleanEnables debugging information. Only used for debugging

Type options


LOGIN_SUCCESSA user has logged in successfully
LOGIN_FAILA failed login attempt was made
COMMAND_SENDA command was send through the plugin
DOWNLOADED_FILESOne or multiple files where downloaded
UPLOADED_FILESOne or more files where uploaded
PLAYER_JOINEDA player joined the server
PLAYER_QUITA player left the server


KICKKick players
BANBan players
OPOP/DE-OP players
CONSOLEAccess the console
PLUGINSETTINGSChange settings regarding the plugin, mostly like editing the config.yml file
SERVERSETTINGSChange settings regarding the server, mostly like editing the file
LOGAccess the log of the plugin
FILESAccess file manager. Download, upload and modify files
ADMINAccess all the above and everything else, editing users, creating backups and more